Sunday, December 28, 2008


I look over to check on Aidan and he has crawled into the bottom of his walker. What a goofball!


So, clapping was one of the milestones I was looking forward to. Aidan has started clapping! I'm excited and I think I wear him out a little asking him to do it all of the time. HEHE! Here's a little clip of his clapping!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


So, here's Aidan's Christmas in photos:
I am gonna get him dressed up in his Christmas outfit in front of the tree to take some more now that I have decent batteries! I took these few on Christmas Eve but was a little disappointed how they turned out.
On with Christmas, Aidan got a few trucks, the Parents Bee Bop Band drum set, clothes, a first story reader, and a little puppy that has a pull string. He was very happy!

I also have a cute little video from today of Aidan playing peek-a-boo with the tree skirt that he stole from the tree. Anyways, I hope everyone's Christmas was terrific!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ol' Blue Eyes

... Or young! Check out Aidan's eyes! Please excuse how awful my flash is... I can't seem to fix it! Aidan also has a new favorite spot.. under our end table. There is nothing under there, I do not understand what is so fascinating about it. He was also best buddies with Kitty today, which made for a cute photo!

Aidan's First Snow

I just took Aidan out in the snow.... he HATED it! LOL! I think he was mad because his hands were cold as soon as he stuck them in the snow. He lasted less then 2 minutes. Long enough for pictures! We'll try again later with his mittens on... I didn't put them on this time because I thought he would want to feel the snow. HEHE! I absolutly love the second photo.. it's my new favorite picture of Aidan!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Presents

So, Aidan opened his first present last weekend. It was a Vtech Vsmile Baby from Grandma Jackie! He of course liked the wrapper better then the toy!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Aidan visited with Santa last week! He did so well. He was fascinated by him!


Here is a picture on the airplane from our recent trip, I absolutely love it!

So, we had Aidan's first Thanksgiving has come and gone. I think he stuffed himself further then everyone else! He was a little piggy!

Crawling... almost

Here is Aidan's version of crawling. He started on Saturday. He gets all over the place!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Poor little Aidan has a very sore throat. We couldn't figure out why he wouldn't eat ALL day so we took him in to be seen. He would take his bottle, suck once or twice then grab it with his hands and push it out of his mouth. He also wasn't sleeping well. She said ears look fine but his throat looked very bad. Poor little guy. She prescribed him some antibiotics. I hope they actually do something and that he gets better soon!

Our little guy is 8 months old now! He also weighs a whopping 20 lbs!

Here are some pictures I took the other night in an attempt to shoot a good one for our Christmas cards! We had fun taking pictures!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mommy's Messy Boy!

So, Aidan had a BALL at dinner tonight! I bought a can of carrots yesterday and have been giving him a handful to eat in his highchair. he LOVES them. Also, tonight is the first time I let him help me feed him dinner! So, here is our messy boy. BTW, the second picture is now my FAVORITE picture of Aidan!

Also, here is some video of our messy dinner!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Too Cute

Aidan got his third haircut tonight. I think it turned out better then any of his others. he looks great. I also tried on his sweater for our family pictures tomorrow. He's too cute. Last night I got a great photo of his with Daddy, it's adorable! I wish my flash hadn't been on.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cause and Effect

I bought Aidan this cool Fisher Price toy at work yesterday. It's a little gumball machine. Once again, sorry no sound. It is so neat, Aidan has learned cause and effect with his new toy! YAY Aidan!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Halloween Pics

Here are a couple photos of Aidan with his pumpkin... more like IN his pumpkin!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here are Aidan's new teeth. They're a little hard to see but I am SO excited that I thought I would share the picture!


Here are a couple pictures from Halloween. Most of them turned out like garbage so I might have to stick him back in his costume to take some more :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Any Day Now!

Aidan is SO close to crawling! He will get up on all fours every once in awhile or Daddy or I will put him there. When he does, he starts to rock himself back and forth. It is SO cute and I know he's almost there.

He also holds his own bottle, for the most part. He would do it if I let him but he prefers to play rather then eat and it and that drives me bonkers!

Also, both of those teeth have broken through and he looks so cute! When they are a little further through the gums I will try to get a picture! YAY! So much happening at once!

Oh yeah, I also made a new header for his blog... super cute!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's a Tooth!

YAY! Aidan's forst tooth broke through tonight. It's barely through but it looks like his other one will be through soon too! YAY! I'm a happy Mommy. Now all of that drool was worth it!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I was standing in line at Fred Meyer tonight holding Aidan and said "kisses" and leaned in to kiss him (like I always do). What does he do? He starts frantically shaking his head (like he's trying to get to my mouth) with his mouth open. I asked again for kisses and he opened his mouth and gave me kisses!!!! I had to interrupt the cashier and the lady in front of us to show them. Then I had to turn around and show the lady behind us. My little boy knows how to give kisses!!!! We rushed home to show Daddy and what does he say? "It looks like he's just opening his mouth, not giving kisses." Silly Daddy, that's how babies give kisses!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Finished Product

Here's a few photos of Aidan's new haircut. He was a little tired tonight!

Optical Illusion

We noticed this the other night and again tonight Aidan went at it. Aidan seems to think he can grab the blocks on Daddy's chest. Funny thing is, those blocks are a tattoo. It is the tattoo Anthony got for Aidan, the blocks are like those little wooden ones kids play with with the letters ABC for Aidan Bishop Campbell. I thought I would share this video with you guys, it's Aidan trying to grab the blocks!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hair Cut!

Aidan and I got our hair cut together today! It was only his second hair cut and his first done at a salon. He looks a million time better and was such a trooper! I will post a picture of his new haircut tonight.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What a happy Mommy!

Aidan slept for 10 hours last night! OMGoodness, I feel like a human being this morning. No interrupted sleep! YAY! Now if only he would have a darn tooth come in! I know he has been teething, he is just a drool faucet. He went through a cranky period last week for no apparent reason. UGH! I think he also has a little cold or maybe the weather is getting to him. His little nose just runs.

Last night when Anthony was headed out to play basketball, Aidan got up on all fours like he was going to crawl. He just sat there for a minute then collapsed back down to his belly. He did it again right after that. I wish I had gotten a picture, or two or three. Crawling should be right around the corner. I did however get some cute pictures during bathtime last night. I will post my two favorites... Do you think it's time for a haircut? I DO!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I went a little crazy taking pictures of Aidan tonight. He was a good sport though. He was getting tired!


Aidan is teething. He has just been a drool fountain. I tried giving him a cold, wet washcloth today but he doesn't seem too interested. I got some video. It's cute. Pardon the closeup... I was retrieving his washcloth. Check out that awesome hair! It cracks me up, he has this little swoop thing that sticks up in the back!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Feeling Better

So, Aidan was sick for a couple of days. Not only was he, but I was miserable! I couldn't stand seeing my baby like that. He had a fever for 2 days and finally broke it this morning. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he told me it was probably just a viral infection. Aidan spent about 3 hours yesterday, screaming. It was way beyond his normal cry and it was heart wrenching. To top it all off he was a drool FOUNTAIN. It was just pouring out. So, I think maybe he is teething on top of that viral infection. He seems to be better today, just cranky and tired from his lack of sleep over these last couple days. I guess I better get used to it, cold season is coming!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sill boys!

I was playing with Kitty and his toy and Aidan was laying on the floor laughing hysterically. He wouldn't stop laughing. We got it on our regular video camera but we don't have the ability yet to put that on the computer so I have the next best thing for you... we got it with our digital camera. However, our digital camera doesn't record sound but you can see that he's laughing! He is obviously very tired because he was just rolling with laughter. Anyways, this was the cutest moment we've had yet with both of our boys together! (BTW, this is a very unflattering video of me!)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Aidan slept for 8 straight hours last night! I was so excited! Before last night, we had a run of 6 hours, but never 8! He took a bath, had a bottle and went straight to bed. Here's a picture of his crazy hair after his bath. Last night was so nice. However, I am so accustomed to waking up at night I woke twice. Anthony thinks he will keep it up but I am a little more skeptical. I think it was a fluke. I guess we will see if this keeps up!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

All Boy

Anthony and I have started to notice that little Aidan Baidan is a ROUGH kid! He is constantly thrashing things around and hitting himself in the head. He is very rough. If he keeps this up, he certainly will be a typical little boy. He is also infatuated with Kitty, our new kitten. He just watches him jump around the house. He was able to get a good hold on him earlier and seemed to enjoy that. Kitty has also taken to sitting in our laps while we feed Aidan his bottles. It looks like they are going to be GREAT pals!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Look what I did!

There seem to be new things happening with Aidan everyday. I had him in his jumperoo for a little while so I could use the computer and I turned around to find that he had partially taken his shirt off! This is a first for him... he has never tried to undress himself before. We will see if he tried again, then i will know if it was done on purpose or if he didn't know what he was doing. This leaves me dreading the time later down the road when he learns to remove all of his clothes and his diaper!!! I've heard stories about moms who duct tape their kiddos diapers on!!! AAHHHH!