Sunday, December 28, 2008


I look over to check on Aidan and he has crawled into the bottom of his walker. What a goofball!


So, clapping was one of the milestones I was looking forward to. Aidan has started clapping! I'm excited and I think I wear him out a little asking him to do it all of the time. HEHE! Here's a little clip of his clapping!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


So, here's Aidan's Christmas in photos:
I am gonna get him dressed up in his Christmas outfit in front of the tree to take some more now that I have decent batteries! I took these few on Christmas Eve but was a little disappointed how they turned out.
On with Christmas, Aidan got a few trucks, the Parents Bee Bop Band drum set, clothes, a first story reader, and a little puppy that has a pull string. He was very happy!

I also have a cute little video from today of Aidan playing peek-a-boo with the tree skirt that he stole from the tree. Anyways, I hope everyone's Christmas was terrific!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ol' Blue Eyes

... Or young! Check out Aidan's eyes! Please excuse how awful my flash is... I can't seem to fix it! Aidan also has a new favorite spot.. under our end table. There is nothing under there, I do not understand what is so fascinating about it. He was also best buddies with Kitty today, which made for a cute photo!

Aidan's First Snow

I just took Aidan out in the snow.... he HATED it! LOL! I think he was mad because his hands were cold as soon as he stuck them in the snow. He lasted less then 2 minutes. Long enough for pictures! We'll try again later with his mittens on... I didn't put them on this time because I thought he would want to feel the snow. HEHE! I absolutly love the second photo.. it's my new favorite picture of Aidan!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Presents

So, Aidan opened his first present last weekend. It was a Vtech Vsmile Baby from Grandma Jackie! He of course liked the wrapper better then the toy!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Aidan visited with Santa last week! He did so well. He was fascinated by him!


Here is a picture on the airplane from our recent trip, I absolutely love it!

So, we had Aidan's first Thanksgiving has come and gone. I think he stuffed himself further then everyone else! He was a little piggy!

Crawling... almost

Here is Aidan's version of crawling. He started on Saturday. He gets all over the place!